
Construction site: CSR Energy Recovery Center at Albioma Bois Rouge (ABR), La Réunion

Our teams are progressing with the raft foundations for the future boiler designed for the energy [...]

Construction site: new Larivot bridge in Cayenne, French Guiana, France

ave you ever seen a segment made entirely of stainless steel reinforcement? It's beautiful [...]

Construction site: Delta Junction HS2 in Birmingham, UK

After many months of hard work, our SAMT Rebar teams are now completing the final pier caps [...]


Still hard at work on the Delta Junction construction site in Birmingham, our UK subsidiary SAMT Rebar Ltd [...]

Best wishes for 2025

Weaving links As early as the Middle Ages, the verb weave acquired a figurative usage: “to assemble, create or form something [...]

Construction site: Delta Junction HS2 in Birmingham, UK

Our SAMT Rebar teams have just accomplished a remarkable feat on the Delta Junction HS2 site [...]

Construction site: Albioma storage dome at the Moule power plant in Guadeloupe, France

The Albioma company is continuing the conversion of its electrical energy production units overseas, with the use [...]

Construction site: extension of the Porto-Vecchio marina and fishing port, Corsica, France

After several months of production of prefabricated concrete elements, the reinforcements of which are assembled in our [...]

Construction site: Larivot power plant, Guyana, France

In recent weeks, our teams have started installing the frames for the high walls of the factory building [...]

Construction site: development of the A7/A54 junction, Salon-de-Provence, France

Our teams are currently working on the development of the junction between the A7 and A54 motorways [...]

Construction site: Ariane 6 rocket, Guyana, France

Yesterday, July 9, 2024, Ariane 6 made its first flight. An emotion for us who are proud [...]

Construction site: new Larivot bridge in Cayenne, French Guiana, France

An important milestone has just been reached on our site: the first river pile has been finalized [...]

Construction site: new Larivot bridge in Cayenne, French Guiana, France

Things are moving near the supports of the new bridge over the Larivot, in Guyana. We are currently working [...]

They dream of gold at the Paris 2024 Olympics

The SAMT has proudly supported, for several years, the amateur cycling club Salon Cyclosport. We had the pleasure [...]

Construction sites: building activity on the islands of Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin

Our company supplies and installs reinforcements for buildings on the French islands [...]

Construction site: ITER, Cadarache, France

2014-2024… 10 years separate these two photos seen from the sky and 10 years that we are proudly participating [...]

Construction site: Delta Junction HS2 in Birmingham, UK

As part of the new High Speed ​​2 (HS2) high-speed line, we are progressing [...]

Construction site: Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines station, line 18 lot 3, Grand Paris Express

As part of the Grand Paris Express, our teams started work on the [...]

Construction site: Koungou wastewater treatment plant, Mayotte, France

Our teams are participating in the construction of the Koungou wastewater treatment plant [...]

Construction site: new Larivot bridge in Cayenne, French Guiana, France

Let's go for the first elements of the Segments on Pile (SOP) of the new Larivot bridge... [...]

Construction site: ZAC Roland Hoareau pedestrian bridge in Pierrefonds, Reunion Island

Our Reunion Island teams are currently working on the future pedestrian and cycle bridge [...]

New construction site: the retention basin of Captain Gèze, Marseille, France

In parallel with the construction of the overflow, we are installing the first “Buton beams” of the retention basin [...]

New construction project: the Larivot power plant, Guyana, France

Today, with 66% of its energy produced by renewable energies, notably thanks to the Petit-Saut dam [...]

Construction site: dalot of the Saint-Joseph diversion, Reunion Island

Some news from the Indian Ocean, where we continue to develop projects, despite the sharp decline [...]

Construction site: new Larivot bridge in Cayenne, French Guiana, France

[Chantier : nouveau pont du Larivot à Cayenne, Guyane, France] Fin d’assemblage du premier chevêtre de [...]

Construction site: Delta Junction HS2 in Birmingham, UK

As part of the new High Speed ​​2 (HS2) high-speed line, we are progressing [...]

Construction site: sawmill and biomass plant in Petit Saut, Guyana, France

In 1994, the commissioning of the Petit Saut dam in Guyana drowned nearly [...]

Allez Mathilde!

The city of Glasgow in Scotland is hosting this first edition of the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships ...]

Construction site: new Larivot bridge in Cayenne, French Guiana, France

The construction of the new Larivot bridge, which will be 1,300 meters long, is qualified as a "technical [...]

Construction site: ITER, Cadarache, France

For many years, we have been working on this site, one of the most ambitious projects in the world in the field of energy [...]

35 years is something to celebrate

Our company, SAMT, created in 1988, is 35 years old this year! [...]

Construction site: bridge over the Garonne, Bar of Camelat in Agen, France

This project consists of the creation of a third bridge over the Garonne [...]

Construction site: Delta Junction HS2 precast segmental viaducts in Birmingham, UK

As part of the new High Speed ​​2 (HS2) high-speed line [...]

Construction site: viaduct A1-M1 in Mauritius

We are still at work on the A1-M1 connecting viaduct, which spans the cliff [...]

New construction site: Sunscreens for the new Princess Grace hospital center in Monaco

We are going to produce all the reinforcement cages, in stainless steel concrete, for the sunscreen blades [...]

Construction site: Albioma domes 3 & 4, Le Port, Reunion Island

A great operation perfectly mastered by our Reunionese teams. Prefabrication in the factory of two beams 24 m long [...]

Construction site: the Rapas footbridge in Toulouse

We are nearing the end of our Rapas footbridge project, which will connect the Ile du [...]

Stainless reinforcements

Production is launched in our new “white” workshop, where stainless concrete steels [...]

Construction site: Ariane 6 launch pad, Kourou, French Guiana

2023 should be the year of Ariane 6's first take-off. We are very proud to have taken part in [...]


We are very happy and very proud to support Mathilde Gros and her Salon Cyclosport club [...]

Best wishes for 2023

The entire SAMT team wishes you a year 2023 full of energy!

Construction site: Albioma domes, Le Port, Reunion Island

Before going on vacation for the construction holidays on Reunion Island, our teams [...]

Construction site: Delta Junction HS2 railway viaducts in Birmingham, UK

As part of the new High Speed ​​2 (HS2) high-speed line, we are starting [...]

Construction site in Mauritius

Our SAMT Mauritius team is still at work on the A1-M1 connecting viaduct [...]

History of a frame

A few months ago, we told you about this new construction site: the Rapas footbridge [...]


WORLD CHAMPION: Mathilde Gros becomes world champion in individual track speed [...]

Allez Mathilde!

From October 12 to 16, the track cycling world championships will take place in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines [...]

La fabuleuse histoire du béton armé

Si vous cherchez une belle histoire à raconter le soir à vos enfants, voici celle du [...]

New construction sites: railway viaducts near Birmingham, UK

As part of the new High Speed ​​2 (HS2) high-speed line, we are starting [...]

Opening: the New Coastal Road, Reunion Island]

On Sunday August 28, 2022, the New Coastal Road of Reunion was opened to traffic [...]

New construction site: the new Larivot bridge in Guyana

This project consists of doubling the existing bridge which will accommodate road traffic going in the direction [...]

Construction site: waste recovery plant (UVE) of Saint-Pierre, Reunion Island

After several months of work, our teams are still working on the UVE of Saint-Pierre with in particular [...]

Construction site: New RER E station at Porte Maillot in Paris

For more than 3 years, our teams have been working on the construction of the future RER E station [...]

New construction site: the Rapas footbridge in Toulouse

We will soon be supplying and installing the frames of the Rapas cable-stayed footbridge [...]

Construction site: buildings, Guadeloupe

The island of Guadeloupe is the most seismic department in France. In construction [...]

Macouba, Martinique island]

Let's go for the 6 wind turbine foundations in Macouba, in the north of Martinique. Our team [...]

Construction site in Mauritius

Our SAMT Mauritius team, on a technical assistance mission for the installation of reinforcement, is still at work [...]

Heart Marseille-Provence airport

After just a few weeks of work, the installation of the 700 tons of reinforcement [...]


The SAMT is changing its visual identity (group and subsidiaries), to gain impact and visibility [...]

Magic construction site at the Nice Saint Augustin bus station

For those who dream of transparent concrete, some images of the frames of the posts, arches and beams [...]

Spectacular domes on Reunion Island

With the reinforcement of the inclined sides inside the domes, we are coming to the end of our work [...]

Construction site of Quai Joannès Couvert, Le Havre

While the navvies and founders are busy on the platform, our teams have started the prefabrication [...]

Last straight line for the Fécamp offshore wind farm

After 14 months of effort, we are in the home stretch with the last top rings [...]

New project: Marseille Provence airport

In the “airports” series, in 2022 we will provide the reinforcements for the extension of Marseille-Provence airport […]

New project: Rolland Garros airport in Réunion

From the beginning of 2022, our teams on Reunion Island will supply […]

Wind turbines and islands

Beyond the foundations of offshore wind turbines currently being built in Fécamp, we are working on numerous wind projects [...]

Best wishes for 2022

The entire SAMT team wishes you a very successful 2022!

Tokamak d’ITER, des nouvelles…

Nous arrivons au bout du méga corbeau pour le pont roulant du Tokamak d’ITER… conception, modélisation, [...]

SAMT Les Armaturiers : À la base du squelette qui fait tenir le Tokamak

Ils ont l’habitude d’œuvrer dans l’ombre de plus grands. De faire le travail obscur, celui qui, […]

2017 : Les Armaturiers de la SAMT engrangent les succès !

La société SAMT (13 Saint-Chamas et Le Port, La Réunion), spécialiste de l’armature des grands ouvrages […]

L’astucieux petit manchon

L’acier et le béton se sont rencontrés dans les dernières années du XIXe siècle et ne se […]

NRL, l’incroyable défi : déplacer des montagnes

48 piles sont nécessaires pour construire le grand viaduc de la Nouvelle Route du Littoral. C'est [...]

NRL, l’incroyable défi : les Hommes d’acier

Les Armaturiers réalisent le « squelette » en métal des méga-structures de la Nouvelle Route du Littoral. Ils […]

Des Réunionnais engagés !

Un armaturier au travail sur le panneau apposé par la Région à l’entrée du chantier de [...]

The little coupler that could –

Concrete and steel met at the end of the 19th century, never to part again. From […]

Les armaturiers : fer de lance des ouvrages exceptionnels

Un reportage vidéo de O'tv Regardez La Réunion sur le chantier de la Nouvelle Route du Littoral à [...]

Armaturier, un véritable métier d’art

Un très bel article sur notre métier, paru aujourd’hui, dans le supplément NRL du Journal de […]

Miramas bypass main engineered structure (France)

The fixing team of SAMT Pose have just completed the Miramas, France, [...]

New coastal road, Reunion island

Our Reunion island team has just completed the reinforcement of both carriageway bridge decks […]

High-speed train line Nîmes-Montpellier (France)

Focus on the under-tracks structure of Manduel (Gard). Following the 1000 lm[...]

Apprentices Fixers for the New Coastal Road (Reunion Island)

To satisfy the specific needs of this exceptional project we have launched a dedicated training course together with [...]

SAMT and the Paris-Brest-Paris race (France)

Cyclist, Cyrille Genel, has honoured the SAMT Group whilst performing [...]

ITER Tokamak TB03 section (Cadarache, France)

Following SAMT Ingenierie 3D modelling of the reinforcement for the Bioshield, SAMT Pose is now delivering [...]

ITER Tokamak TB03 section (Cadarache, France)

Through its partnership with STRUCTURES ENGINEERING, SAMT Ingénierie is actively taking part into the Bioshield conception (Tokamak central […]

ITER Tokamak TB03 section (Cadarache, France)

First level of ITER's main building at Cadarache which will house the international reactor […]

High-speed train line Nîmes-Montpellier (France)

Currently supplying and fixing 34 engineering structures on the high-speed train line Nîmes-Montpellier on […]

A major industrial revamp for SAMT Indian Ocean

"SAMT Indian Ocean, the specialist steel reinforcement fabricator for civil engineering on Reunion island, has won the New Coastal […]

SAMT Indian Ocean : Let’s go for the New Coastal Road ! (Reunion Island)

2 video to watch: - a tv coverage by the 19/20 program on Reunion 1ère channel, 9th february […]

All united with Jackson Richardson...

Famous Reunion island-born handballer, double world champion with the French team, known as "les Barjots", in 1995 and 2001, Jackson Ricardson […]

A "face-lift" crane in Reunion island

The main crane at the SAMT Ocean Indien facility is being completely dismantelled and overhauled […]

The JH nuclear reactor project (CEA Cadarache)

We have just completed fixing the reinforcement with the tubing for the post-tensionning […]

SAMT invites you to visit its new internet site

SAMT has entirely rethought its website ! Full information on the company, […]

Lyon Stadium (France)

The mega roof support beams for the new Lyon Stadium are being assembled at SAMT's facility [...]

SAMT the steel reinforcer whose making steel spider's web

Well-known for its know-how on major projects, the company based at Le Port is soon starting the new coastal road [...]

Lyon Stadium (France)

Erecting the final level of the stepped beams, [...]

The Atlantic Bridge (Panama)

Client: PASA (Vinci) SAMT Ingénierie are participating in the methodology and technical assistance for the implementation [...]

Tokamak ITER (Cadarache, France)

Client: Groupement Vinci/Ferrovial/Razel SAMT Pose has just won an important project: to undertake [...]

Factory for the production of sea-defense acropodes for the NRL (new coast road) (Reunion island)

Client: GTOI Korail Armatures is proud to supply the first concrete reinforcement for the new [...]

Jules Horowitz reactor - CEA (Cadarache, France)

Client: Razel-Bec Following the positioning of the steel liner which serves as formwork for the reactor building dome [...]

Lyon Stadium (France)

Client: Stade de Lyon Construction (Vinci) The first stepped beams to support the terraced stands [...]

Lyon Stadium (France)

Client: Stade de Lyon Construction (Vinci) Having started the foundations in october 2013, the first [...]

High-speed train line Brittany-Loire (France)

Client: Eiffage TP After 10 months work on the F & G sections, [...]

An article from the newspaper La Provence 9 september 2013

Armaturier (steel reinforcement specialist. A name which at first means nothing to you, yet it [...]

Bridge over the river Saint-Étienne (Reunion island)

The Armaturiers (reinforcement specialists) in Reunion Island signed off a beautiful structure on the island, by [...]

“Gouzous” on the bridge over the river Saint-Étienne (Reunion island)

A small blink from the street-artist and tagger Jace, on the trial upright of the bridge over the river […]

Lyon Stadium (France)

Client: Stade de Lyon Construction (Vinci) As the lead supplier of the steel reinforcement pool of companies Presider, Fornace […]

Oil-distribution depot for Total (Portes-les-Valence, France)

Client : Razel-Bec After concreting the base-slab, fixing of the first sections of the containment wall with some walls […]

High-speed train line South Europe Atlantic - Tours-Bordeaux section (France)

Client: Cosea The reinforcement of the structures on our sites of the LGV SEA south […]

Water reservoirs lots 2 (Reunion island)

Client: GTOI Having completed the 3 circular reservoirs, our local team has just completed the reinforcement of the base-slab […]

Oil-distribution depot for Total (Portes-les-Valence, France)

Client : Razel-Bec Reinforcement of the base-slab for a reservoir on the petrochemical site (Portes-les-Valence) with approximately 100 […]

Water distribution, the Salazie tunnel (Reunion island)

Client: GIE Riviere des pluies After some “extra-ordinary” transports to reach the heart […]

Research model for the nuclear containment

Client: Nuvia Travaux spéciaux In collaboration with Nuvia Travaux speciaux, SAMT Ingenierie takes part on the […]

High-speed train line South Europe Atlantic - Tours-Bordeaux section (France)

Client : Cosea The first uprights for the Agriere viaduct appear above ground. […]

High-speed train line South Europe Atlantic - Tours-Bordeaux section (France)

Client: Cosea Fix the first infill cages of the combination structures of lot 14 […]

Open-day SAMT Océan Indien, 5th of April 2013 (Le Port, Reunion island)

We have so much to tell you about our craft, our challenges, our pride, our work […]

High-speed train line South Europe Atlantic - Tours-Bordeaux section (France)

Client: Cosea The reinforcement of the structures on our sites of the LGV SEA south section are fixed […]

Feed-water pipe, EDF hydro-electric power station (Nentilla, France)

Client : Spie Batignolles We have undertaken the reinforcement for 5 solid concrete supports for the feed-water pipe […]

Water reservoirs lots 2 (Reunion island)

Client : GTOI We start the project "Antenne 2" for the transfer of fresh water in La Reunion […]

The Rizzanese dam (Corsica)

Client : GTM/Razel-Bec After several years of work, the Rizzanese dam in Corsica is being […]

Jules Horowitz reactor - CEA (Cadarache, France)

Client : Razel-Bec We are completing the reinforcement of the last layer of the RER pool which […]
